A picture of my driveway…….

Although it doesn’t seem possible, Scott and I made good progress in taking tons of ice off the cars today. I did Amanda and my car, and then Scott and I worked together on his.
Of course we were both motivated. I was trying to get my wife to work before she assigned me a job to do. Scott was attempting to get to Noblesville to see his girlfriend before his lacrosse game. I am disappointed that I will not be there to watch it tonight too, but Ben has been running a fever for the last couple of days and has required a bit of supervision. So I am continuing that into tonight. Amanda’s new position at work is swamping her even here at home right now, so if I left to watch Scott she would get nothing done. And if Ben were “fever-free” he and I would be yelling at Scotty from the stands.
But for now I am just trying to figure out when and how I can get 3 inches of ice off the longest driveway in the world (and we have two of them). At this point we will not be using the front drive for quite some time, because it is on an incline. I will be in North Carolina next week, but even when I am gone it doesn’t look like the ice will be melting. So as of now I just am not sure what to do. I did buy a tool to chop ice today and of the 500 plus feet I have to do, I was able to do about 2 feet of it in about a half an hour. Ouch!
You see, the great part of being from the north is that there really is no ice, but only snow because it is always too cold. This is a problem I am just not familiar with. But in time it will be August, and maybe by then we can use the front drive. Up till then it is just 2 feet at a time.
I am however scheduled to be finished in 249 more days!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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