Of doctors, shots, and fashion…….

After watching Ben struggle for the last few days, and watching his temperature go down after Motrin, and then up again right before it was due, today I said “enough is enough,” and I called to make him a doctor’s appointment.

Of course the difficult part of such things is that our doctor cut his practice drastically and we were not a part of that. He was one of the finest doctors I know, but fortunately one of his partners is someone I know, and whose daughter played lacrosse some years ago. And, to make even a bigger connection, HE was the doc that was on duty the day I had my stroke. He is a real quality guy.
But when I called this morning I was told he needed to approve the move, which was not what I was told in December when I thought we had it all worked out. I told the gal on the phone that I really wasn’t intending to see a doc today anyhow on such short notice, but a PA (Physician’s Assistant) and they told me we could see Kelly in an hour.
What a blessing too! Kelly has seen me a couple of times over the past year when they were swamped and I told her today that although I was having a bit of a deal getting in here, that as for me I didn’t really care who would be my doctor because as far as I was concerned it was going to be her. She is pretty sharp and thorough, and believe me as a stroke survivor sadly I know what a good doc is. And although she is a PA, Ben called her Doctor Kelly (as I do too), and she saw him and figured it out……DOUBLE ear infections. The first ear she said was bad…the second I believe she used the word “wicked,” and had me look as well. Holy Smokes! He didn’t even complain (but he should have.)
The blessing is that we were in and out of there quickly, and I had confidence in him seeing someone who I believe in and trust. He got a sticker, a RX for antibiotics, and a new Transformer. And tonight at dinner he actually ate and is talking about his ears “tickling.” He is on his way.
I am so thankful I called in and was able to get him seen, and I am so glad she was the one who saw him. Who are regular doctor will be I suppose is irrelevant. Ben keeps talking about Doctor Kelly who wears blue and gave him a shot. Of course I don’t remember her being in all blue or any shot.
But I’ve just destroyed my brain with a stroke…..who am I to question a three year old with a fever?
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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