I’ve fallen, but I got right up…..

Yes….this is a REAL PICTURE from TODAY on my drive from Edgewood to Kokomo. And it is not really a bad snow for where I am from. So I would say that today was a good day to be a polar bear, although I am pretty sure a polar bear would have had more sense and stayed home. But the good news (to those of you who do not benefit from my demise) is that I survived the day, and that doesn’t just mean the first part, or the driving part of the day…it means the entire day.

Because after a 2pm meeting at St. Patrick’s in Westfield I returned home for some serious snow blowing. There was a ton of ice this week, and all of it was still there, but the 6 inches of snow needed to come off it.
Now as a hockey player (yes, it is a life-time appointment…just ask my ice hockey brethren on here) ice is something you never fall on unless hit, but I fell on it twice today. And although no one saw me, and even though I was not in skates, I was embarrassed because I skate better than I walk and it is just a pride thing. I do not think I need an x-ray on my shoulder, but it is sore. and in retrospect had I worn my skates (which I did consider) this would not have happened, for I have not fallen “unforced” on ice since 1980 where at the Fairgrounds in Indianapolis I hit a rut on the ice while trying to impress some girl. (incidentally, it did not work). Yes, falling does happen that rarely for those of us who skate.
But the blessing is that my driveway is done, my shoulder is not broken, and all that is injured is my pride.
Winter is Winter, and it is always treacherous. I am just glad to be as tough as a polar bear and be able to take a few hits for the team!
Goodnight and God Bless!

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