
Ben has been a bit bored, so he came into my office tonight for a “scary dinosaur” pose for my blog. It took four different takes though. He is not fond of having HIS picture taken and he moves too much. But apparently the dinosaur he was portraying was a bit more cooperative.
Three year olds get bored rather quickly, and this is the case with Ben tonight. He has already worn out the dog, the cat, and his mom and has no decided to work on me. My request to take his picture made him disappear for a bit, but apparently his energy had worn out its welcome with everyone else. SO… was back to me.
I however know that I am almost always the last choice. I am probably the most willing to play, but apparently far from the cutest or most fun. (That is what my wife tells me too). But I do not worry about such things, because at my age I just am happy for them to wheel me over by the window and give me my pills in my applesauce. No no no….it is just part of being a dad. And in that role I am pretty secure.
You see, as a dad, you always have something they all want, and when they need it you are back on top. Whether it is money (for toys or bail), unconditional acceptance, or the need for skating lessons or the desire to play ball……we are what they need. In truth, no one will play dinosaurs all the time or watch endless hours of the same Transformers cartoon again and again and again (and again and again too). But a dad will. We are genetically disposed to being disposed and reused when needed, and we are always willing too.
So I suppose I could be the one saying “grrrrrrr,” but I really do not need to. Being a dad is the best job I have ever had or will have.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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