Give me a BLT, but hold the sanity…….

Yes, I missed posting yesterday, but it was not without intention.  Sometimes I just have too much on my plate, and that is something I have worked hard to rectify.  Eating it all makes for easy cleanup but an unhealthy body and spirit.  I therefore left what I started on my computer last night (this is not it) and revisited it this morning.  I erased it all, and it is all good to borrow a line from Scotty Tirman.

But tonight I am back at it.  Amanda has yet another Thirty-one gathering and Ben and I (and Viper) did the whole guy-thing with the cat just ignoring us all.  After all, that is what cats do.  But we made dinner, he took a bath-er or a show-ath, depending upon your perspective and we generally enjoyed our night together as Tirman males.

AND, I am happy to report that we and the house sustained no (significant) damage in her short absence from us.  (yes, I am surprised by that) And she will arrive home shortly with Ben, Viper, and the cat in bed, and me just hoping to get there.  Oddly enough, I got a lot done tonight which was not my prediction as he was rather chatty before she left and I figured that would continue on… didn’t.

But the highlight of my evening, and perhaps my week was Ben wanting me to come into the dining room and see his creation.  You see, he is currently grounded from his iPad and the TV.  He generally likes to play a few games after his homework is done (our rule, not his desire) but lost that privilege due to misbehavior.  We had a long talk about this yesterday in which he told me it wasn’t his fault as he got his bad behavior from the 19 years he did in “jeuvy,” (he apparently just got out).   I just looked at him with amazement and thought, “wow, all three of my kids are weird.”  He was my last hope (Scotty is just the prototype of Ben, but I had to kick Steph out of the house as a kid to go PLAY….her idea of fun was to stay inside and do math problems).

Anyway, since he can’t play a game electronically, he DREW a game on paper……Angry Birds, and as I watched him explain it he did sound effects.  He seems to get around any discipline I can dish out and enjoys himself.  Life better get ready for this one.

But I suppose I really should not be surprised.  His emotions are controlled and calculated.  After all he had developed them in almost two full decades in jeuvy………13 years of which were apparently prenatal.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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