Gathering with old friends……

The Winter Conference officially opened tonight (though we were already in meetings all day) and the biggest blessing of it all was to have the opportunity to hear a sermon from Archbishop Onesphore who is our new Primate. It was a marvelous time and a great way to kick things off. I was so happy to be a part.

After the service and changing back into civilian clothes, I was able to spend some time talking with some old friends as well as some new ones too. One was Father Sean Templeton, who used to work with us in Indiana, and he joined us for about an hour. He has recently started publishing a journal called “The Anglican Quarterly.” If you get a chance please check it out.
The lion’s share of the evening was spent catching up and sharing. I am blessed to work with a great group of people who I truly love. They are some of the finest I have ever worked with, and I not only consider them my colleagues, but my friends. And although I speak to most of them from time to time on the phone or via emails, it was a real gift to be able to be with them and get to talk face to face.
Tonight has been a big boost to me, and it is only Wednesday night. And since I fly home Saturday night I have a feeling that this time here will be a huge blessing to me.
Of course I want to be a blessing myself, but for now I will just take it all in. Thank you God for the wonderful day!
Goodnight to you my friends and God Bless!

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