On becoming an old fogey……

The coherency of such a post as this may surprise some, but I am standing by it. Tonight we met with many people in and interested in ministry, and to be honest I was impressed by them all.

And I know many will say I am “just a pup,” but at just shy of 50 I need to say that talk like this just needs to stop. Staying up past 7 is now hard for me, and although my wife is just 20, (or at least she thinks she is) staying up late is hard for her too. So nights like tonight are pretty impressive. After all, it is just after 11 and I am still awake.
But the blessing in all of this is that I am meeting many people that I believe will really impact our world over the next few years.
Of course I hope to be one of them….that is as long as our world needs to be impacted before 7pm.
After all, I am getting old and I want to get to bed.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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