My bed…my empty empty bed……

There is part of me that wishes I were already home, but of course that is not the case. I will barely miss my family as I arrive back home tomorrow and they leave to visit Stephanie in Missouri. I will miss Scotty reminding me that he is taller than me. I will miss Ben letting me know he is the boss of me. And I will miss Amanda not saying a thing but knowing she is the boss of me. So the dog and cat and I will be there alone tomorrow with me being in charge… least I think.

But I remember a few years ago a dear friend and mentor of mine, the Reverend Joe Russell (God rest his soul), speaking about how as returning home form a trip like this approaches that you begin thinking about your own bed…..and that I am. I absolutely love being here, but in truth I can tell it is North Carolina, and not Indiana….and I belong at home. And my next blog entry will be from there….thank God.
But for now I will enjoy my last night’s sleep here. My world will be just as empty tomorrow night too. But soon it will be filled with Ben’s talking about Transformers and Astroboy. But in the meantime, his brother will have to take all that in.
I hope Ben doesn’t give him the full dose of it though…….because I really do want grandchildren from all my kids.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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