Gullible’s Travels……

Although I wish I weren’t, I am writing this blog entry from what feels like an empty terminal at one of the nation’s busiest airports….Washington Dulles. Why I am here is somewhat of a mystery, in that all I am trying to do is get home, but apparently my good friends at United Airlines want me to see as much of our great country as possible. My location is their fault, but the timing is mine. I was scheduled to get into Indianapolis at about 11:30 tonight, but when my schedule seemed to clear out I made the decision to try and fly home on “standby.” Of course I have never done that before, but now I understand that the word “standby” actually means “sit around a deserted airport for longer than you ever imagined possible.” I did get on the flight at 2 from Greensboro TO Dulles, and I DID get my boarding pass and foot on the walkway into the plane PAST the gate. But the gate agent came out saying “sir, sir,” and I knew it was over. The passenger who’s seat I was given walked up just after me. It was his seat, and I was happy to give it up, but it was close. And I was really blessed to see that he was a man who was handicapped and old. There was no way he should have been sitting here for five additional hours. It is hard on me, it would have been super hard on him. As I write this, he is already there. So here I sit, typing a post with a dead cell phone, and the ability to get online and post this if I am just willing to pay a fee… expensive one. They charge for Internet, they charge for bags (which they lose) they charge million dollars any time you eat a thing, and so far the only thing I see that they do not yet charge for is to use the bathroom. Last year I drove, and though it was a long and difficult trip, I will be doing that again next year I think. As I understand it though, next year we will be meeting in Houston, so I probably will need to be gassing up the car to leave next week. But in all honesty, I am thankful to have had the opportunity to be at Winter Conference despite the travel problems. I however will be even more thankful to be home. No one is home, (they are all in Missouri) and I have to do some laundry, get to bed and be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the 9am service at St. Patrick’s in the morning, well at least bushy-tailed. But the good news is that I will be there! Goodnight my friends and God Bless! Tommy+

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