Sleep deprivation……

I have had an interesting day. I celebrated at two services with just a couple of hours sleep. Okay, that’s not totally true, I had three. And of course I had a very long and stressful (that is clearly an understatement) travel day on Saturday. So I was so very pleased to be able to finally arrive home for a much needed nap. Amanda, Scott, and Ben would be heading home from visiting Steph, and as long as the dog or cat didn’t make any noise, I would be unconscious.

But the best laid plans were interrupted by the fact that I forgot that Scotty’s girlfriend and her friend were coming by to secretly decorate his room for Valentines Day. So as a guy I thought, “well how long could that take?” But the key observation any reader will make is there is a BIG difference between men and women, and that is at any age. Women apparently put a lot of care and thought into things. And they were here for an hour and a half.
But it looked spectacular and they were very proud of it…..and they should have been. Scotty was really surprised by it too. It was really a thoughtful gift to him. And I was glad to be a sneaky part of it too. In truth, it was well worth missing that nap.
But we are all home now and I am not surprisingly going to bed with Ben right next to me laughing his brains out and sticking his feet into my side. I have not had that happen for a week, but I have missed it. It really is good to be home.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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