Looking up……..

Well it is finally finished. Today the furnace company came and installed the chimney liner and everything is a-okay! In the next couple of days I will be able to do some painting and get everything back to normal.

But what a spectacular event this was! It too forever for them to position the crane, but when he was up at the top of it I swear he could touch the planes going by. I was able to stay and work from home today, and it was a real blessing, because it was a real treat to see.
What shocked me was that the guy up high was, like me, afraid of heights. (Sure I can fly on any size planes, but not anything like he did) I was truly amazed at how he overcame that, and believe me, it was no easy feat. There was quite a bit of wind, and more than that, the bottom of the crane was setting on snow and ice. Early on in the process of setting the crane I pointed up to three buzzards that were circling (I swear that was true) and we all laughed. At first that made me uneasy, but then I remembered that buzzards are truly some of the dumbest birds in all of nature, so I wrote them off.
So the furnace and chimneys are done, and that is a big weight off my shoulders. Now if the ice would just melt off the driveway. I have been working on clearing it every few hours. And come to think about it….maybe that’s what the buzzards have been waiting on all along.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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