Enforcing the rules……

The very fact that he is next to me at a restaurant is, in our family, a bad sign. Three year old little boys only like to sit by their daddys when their mommys (Indiana plurals are only grammatically correct in Indiana) are not around. But his mommy actually took this picture, which is him doing his time in restaurant “time-out.” He was totally out of control right before this too.

I’d like to confess that this is a very rare occurrence too. Normally it is Amanda that misbehaves in public, so this was pretty new for us. Of course Amanda tends to straighten up when threatened with having to sit by me. And Scott of course doesn’t mind it now that he is a foot taller than me.
But once everyone understood the rules and we played “musical booth,” dinner seemed to go on just fine. We do enjoy being together and Ben endured sitting in the penalty box for the duration. I am just thankful it was not me.
I just am not sure how we would handle the whole penalty phase, especially since I appear to be the enforcer.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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