New life or not….I still stink at basketball……

Although a few weeks ago I would not have thought it possible, today my driveways, both front and back are clean and free of ice. Granted, there are piles of ice on the sides of the drive that are very high, but at least I can drive on it now.

And as an added bonus, we cleared it away from our basketball hoop too. But in all honesty after a few shots I considered bringing the ice back. Don’t get me wrong, I love basketball, but in reality I came to grips rather quickly with the fact that I am an ice hockey player at heart. I was what they call an “embarrassment” shooting hoops, but had I been on skates and had a stick, I am sure things would have been different.
The best part however is that today I got a glimpse of Spring. The green was popping through and it reminded me of new life. I really needed the reminder too. It rejuvenates me at a time I can appreciate it too.
But the lesson for today is that we can all thank God that our salvation does not depend upon my ability to shoot a basketball, because today we all would have been doomed. But God created basketball is for the tall, and among them I am clearly not. So for now I will rejoice, and as long as it stays warm I will keep shooting each day……just in case I am called on.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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