Observations on prayer…….

There’s a line at the end of Confession, where the priest whereupon releasing the penitent, says to him/her “Go in peace, and pray for me, a sinner.”  So it is not uncommon for a man such as myself, to ask for prayers, even outside of Confession.

And of course I did that today and did it via a posting on Facebook.  I really just felt the need to ask for prayers, and yet it released a firestorm of attention to me that was really not all that necessary.  In fact, there is not any type of a crisis, I am just a bit stuck in making a few decisions I need to make, but it did turn out to be pretty helpful as it drew me deeper into thinking about prayer.

You know I have said for years that we as a society, even in the Church, pray like we are taking an aspirin, (yes that dates me as aspirin now is a preventive pill for old people’s hearts like mine) But we used to take it when we had headaches and pains, a lot like people take Tylenol or Advil now.  But we would not ever take any of it if nothing were wrong, and that’s sort of the way over the course of my ordained ministry I have found people engaging in personal prayer……when something is wrong or when they need something.  And the majority of the time when people have asked me to pray for them, it has reflected just that.  Mine was really not a “need” as much as just a “want.”

So I guess I am saying that I really shouldn’t be surprised at the reaction.  I just happened to be signed on to Facebook saying Happy Birthday to those who’s birthdays pop up on my screen, and just felt led to do ask, but I am fine.  No one is sick, our kids are fine, and I am as young, tall, handsome and delusional as ever.  (Don’t pray for any of that to change!) It just wanted to share with and feel the presence of others as I sought some answers.  And I truly am blessed by the concern.

So as an offer, give it a try.  If you comment on this or like it after I post the link on Facebook in a few minutes, I will pray for you.  You don’t have to need anything, and your life doesn’t have to have a crisis of any kind.  Just connect and I will pray for you.

But also, if you DO have something specific, message me if it is more personal, or post it if it is not, and I will pray specifically about that for you.  I just want to practice what I preach and I thank you all for your care and concern.

Tonight’s picture is one of my favorites and is NOT my cat….just a picture I found that made me laugh.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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