Hanging with Aunt Joi……

No, Joi is not related by blood, but she is clearly family. She is not only Amanda’s good friend, but she has been a big part of our lives as long as I can remember. But more than that, the kids are all very attached to her…..especially Ben.

But Joi works for Novartis, (she used to work for Lilly with Amanda) and for the last couple of years she has been living out of the country. That has been hard, and I am not sure I can identify just who it has been the hardest on most. As I said, Ben is very attached to her, and when he gets the chance he just picks right back up. And tonight was no exception.
The good news is that Joi, excuse me, Aunt Joi no lives back in the States….North Carolina to be exact (yes, I was there last week and nobody told me, but I am not high on the list for anyone to visit with). But now they can be together on a regular basis. Ben told her tonight that he would come see her in North Carolina, after asking her of course if she had any Transformers there. She, being the good Aunt that she is, told him that there would be Transformers there if he comes.
And there will. Joi and Ben are tight, and it was great to see her. I am just blessed that there are people like her in his life!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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