Into a construction-type Narnia….

I know that the former owners of our home, being regular readers of this blog, may get uneasy when I talk about the house and repairs, but in all honesty, it is the most wonderful place I have ever lived. AND, I am enjoying every bit of what I am doing!

So now that the chimney is fixed, I began the work of repairing the closet in my office and the entry walls in the main hall that were damaged by the moisture. A little tap on my closet wall was all that it took for a big piece to crumble, and it gave me a view into history. Our home was built in 1936, and the walls are all plaster, even the closet….which was not able to survive the moisture. I broke out two big sections which allowed me to look into the construction of the wall, and it was like going back in time.
Of course, I will always feel badly that my repair was not as good as the original, but you can hardly beat 1936 era craftsmanship. The good news is that I should be done before the weekend is over and I will finally be able to use the closet fully and de-clutter my office.But it has been a big thing, and I have loved it. All of this has been like traveling into another time.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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