Yeah baby!!!!!

It starts!! Today was the first day of the 2011 Lacrosse Season (yes, capitalized for GOOD REASON) and almost the entire team was there, sans a couple of sickies! It absolutely fired me up too, because I love to coach and these girls are ready to make it happen.

Oddly enough, I think about retiring from it all the time. But as I looked at the freshmen and sophomores today I kept thinking, “wow, we will be contenders for years!” We graduated a lot of excellent players, yet even in the first practice it is clear that many of the young ones are stepping up. I truly love being a part, although I am not always sure what my staff thinks.
Of course, I am meaning my clergy staff! My coaching staff loves it that I am there, but from today until June, my church staff steps up so that I can do this. I suppose I ought to list them on the coaching staff too.
But the picture tonight is lousy! It was 25 degrees and they were miserable, but excited! My fingers could barely move to get the picture too. But it will be in the 40’s the rest of the week and Thursday will see us practicing in the pouring rain.
But it is Lacrosse Season and it takes hard work and dedication to win!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless! (And sticks up!)

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