Snow, with a low chance of weasels……

For the last few days it has been cold, but I have enjoyed the grass and the very warm weather that proceeded it to melt all the ice and snow. Lacrosse practice has been fun this week, as it is always good to get started, but of course today it was cancelled.
And why, you may ask? Well we went from grass to six inches of snow, that’s why! And even school was cancelled, which in my mind is a crime since I am from the north. We have a freshman on our team who moved here from Wisconsin and she and I laugh about how people deal with snow here. My Superintendent of Schools when I was growing up would wake up, get a cup of coffee, walk to his front door and open it, and as long as he could see the chimney of the house across the street, even if it was only barley visible, we would have school. We didn’t walk to school three miles uphill both ways like my dad’s generation. We were far tougher than that. With just six inches Pomeranians could pull a sled…..weenies!
But it gave me some time to work here at home. My office is here at the house, but I also have quite a few projects on which I am working. I am sure there will always be work to do here, but if I can complete the stuff I am working on, there is a good chance that I may finally feel settled. I have stuff spread out all over my office as I repair the closet. And it is not only the construction stuff, but all the things that go in the closet! Soon soon soon!
So it is off to bed I go! But let me report that the weasel has done very well all day, and is much less weasely than he has been. It has been an answer to my prayer.
Now if he only knew more about construction………
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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