Good DNA….sort of……

I am writing this in the midst of the current construction zone which is also currently called my office. I am just two short days away from painting my closet, and then three away from it all being put back together. And quite honestly I am very excited.

Of course it really (obviously) doesn’t take me much to get excited. I had heard a few days ago that the Cubs were going to be making a trade for Bob Feller, who as I remember died last year from old age, and I thought…..”wow, the Cubs are finally looking at a guy who could make a difference for them.” But I need to, and am working on, getting more of a life. For beyond my job and lacrosse, I appear to be pretty out of touch.
Case in point….my favorite show is still “Columbo,” yet it hasn’t been on in years. I do not watch sitcoms, and really hardly even watch TV. I do not participate in “guys’ nights out,” and prefer walking Viper around the neighborhood to anything exciting and modern. I do have fantasies, but most of them revolve around a lush green lawn and getting to use my new tractor. Call me a romantic, I know. I am a real catch.
But at least my offspring are a bit normal, though sometimes a bit twisted. As an example, tonight’s picture is of Ben, who swore he to me he was not Luigi, but just Ben. Most of the time however, he is a Transformer. And I am not quite sure what the other two are other than smarter than me….but I have set the bar low.
So tonight I will hit the bed and ponder why in the world my wife ever married me….something I consider only occasionally, but am sure she ponders every night. But why should I let it bother me? After all, I didn’t marry into this genetic pool…….I just enjoy the benefits.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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