On being in THE game…..

I talked with Stephanie this evening because she had a game, and I am happy to report that she has seen quite a bit of playing time now as a freshman on one of the best teams in the country. It warmed my heart to hear her so happy, and I am glad to know she is seeing some fruits of the hard work she has put in over these last few years. It made my day.

It is hard for me though. I have hardly ever missed her playing and now some 5 hours away, I will miss the lions share and more of her games. Scotty is playing too, but as the women’s coach I do miss a lot of his games as I am coaching my own team. Of course Scott is now a monster who towers over me, so I will leave it to his coaches, Coach Mac and Coach Burrow, to ride him hard….and they do!
But tonight the six inches of snow we had on Friday are all but gone and it is raining and thundering (Ben is now in our bed with a real reason) and tomorrow will be a practice on a muddy but snow-free field. The next few months we will live, eat, and breathe lacrosse. But I am glad the season is here. It distracts me from the fact that I am a life-long Cubs fan.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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