Seeking Inspiration in All the Wrong Places……..

Oh the incredible irony!  I came home this evening, prayed (as I promised) for those who posted to my blog concerning prayer, and then decided to find a picture before I wrote as I am just plain tired.  I really wasn’t flight over fright, I was just whooped.

As my life often turns out, I noticed on my desktop and folder entitled “Inspirational,” which I knew to be a folder where I put inspirational pictures.  What a blessing, at least until I clicked it open……it was empty!

My electronic life has just not been going too well since my hard drive had to be replaced and restored early last year.  I do know I have most everything I need back on the new drive, it’s just finding it that is the problem.  Plus, after a certain age (25 for me) you not only really get cranked out of shape by these wild goose chases, but quite honestly I do not know what that even means!

Oh I wish life were as easy as what it seems, but if that were the case following recipes would all look like the pictures and we’d all be buff by just working out less than five minutes per year.  It just doesn’t work that way…..some people just say it does.

So to sell it like it is, please enjoy this gratuitous picture of my daughter Stephanie and I.  She is my oldest, a SENIOR in college majoring in CHEMISTRY.  She is also now 22, and is the one on the left.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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