A dog’s life………..

I do not want to be envious or jealous, but I want my dog’s life. I have had a busy day and really, I am exhausted, but for the last part of it I took our dog Viper. It was not that he didn’t want to go the rest of the day, I just didn’t take him. He however know what he wants,tries to get it, and knows how to enjoy it.

So this is obviously not him in the picture, as it was too dark to take one, but it captures the context, for as we were driving home I looked in my side-view mirror, and there he was with the window down, head out the window in the cool air, fast asleep.  I was in the front seat, as my license is to drive whereas his is just to be a dog, and my knee was aching, I was tired, cold, and feeling a great deal of admiration for the glorious example he was setting. And this just proves his versatility, as he is technically a retriever. (stay with me, I am here all week)

But the question is, how can a grown man feel this way? The dog isn’t supposed to be the master, it is the other way around.  Or is it something like marriage, where I only believe I am in charge?  I don’t know, as these are deep thoughts and I pretty sure I cannot think of them until I ask Amanda for permission.

I will confess however, that in my 53 years on God’s good earth, I have never considered such aspirations. I have always seemed driven to aspire to something more “socially acceptable,” and in all honesty I am not dissatisfied with my path. But perhaps my life could be edified in some way by adopting Viper’s philosophy.

In truth my life would be far better if I was happy to see everyone, and I just enjoyed every moment with a deep sense of comfort and satisfaction…..especially those moments I was awake.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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