
Sometimes blessings come in disguises, and to be honest, the flood of 2011 has been one of them. The basement looks great sans the carpet. The carpet is now in the temporary dumpster in driveway….AND, the fact that we have a dumpster for a few days means we can get rid of a lot of the stuff we needed to get rid of but didn’t before the move. I will be doing that now for the next few days. I can only hope I do not end up in there next….since Amanda asked for it to stay for awhile.

But life is just flying along. I had the great privilege to see Scotty open his first college acceptance letter today before lacrosse practice. It was pretty cool. (It is SCOTTY in tonight’s picture too, not Ben…..but you can tell they are brothers) We have yet to visit there, but will within the next couple of weeks. It was a wonderful experience to see his face light up though. It made me very proud. We will hopefully visit there next week. It is high on his list, but of course we have not heard from any colleges yet to this point about the possibility of playing lacrosse…..we will see.

I will however cut this short, which may not be a blessing to regular readers, but maybe we should reframe it.

Just imagine this is a sermon….and in almost 25 years of delivering sermons I have not ever had one complaint of cutting what I have said a bit short!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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