Parental joy!

I had the opportunity to drive in both my kid’s cars tonight. Stephanie’s car is here in Indiana while she is at school and Amanda has been driving it while her car is in the repair shop. It will be done tomorrow. And Scotty drove me for a little bit tonight in his car…..they are both sending me to an early grave.

Tonight, after Steph’s lights went out when I was switching them from low beam to high beam, the only light illuminating the dash being the check engine light, I immediately came home, got on E-Bay, and order some parts. She will insist the car is fine and that she knows how to work it…..I will just pray that my grandkids get a better dose of my genetic pool. I am fixing that car.
Scotty’s car is something else. His girlfriend is actually a lacrosse player, a Junior, who I have had on my team her whole high school career. At practice today she asked me if we could talk, and when I asked her what about, she asked, “Could you please have Scotty clean out his car?” I thought she was joking and laughed it off……..she was not. She doesn’t have a boyfriend, she has a project! But I will leave that to him.
In truth, he is really better than Steph in that regard, as hard as it is to believe by looking at his car, but we have found FOOD in her’s. Well it used to be food, we think. She had a half-eaten sandwich in the storage compartment between her seats. Some parents are disturbed to find things like drugs and alcohol, but what was growing on that former sandwich could have been used as a weapon. Thank God the Hazmat Team was available. The car is now not a hazard, except for the lights.
So I have been riding them about their cars, but at least they both have the courtesy to lie and say they will take care of it. They make me feel better because they are not nearly as truthful as their young 3 year old brother. I told him I wanted him to shape up last night and he just looked me in the eye and told me he was going to “throw me away.”
The joys of being a parent!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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