A water-logged apology……

I heard from Steph about my post yesterday….perhaps I was a bit hard on her. That sandwich we found in her car was actually not hers. She knew it, and so did I. And my attempt to be witty inadvertently, and most improperly, incriminated her. For that I apologize. But to Scott, no way…..his girlfriend bemoaned that car’s condition today at practice again.

Of course it was difficult to hear her over the monsoon. It rained today through our entire practice and we were all quite wet. But I was impressed. The sheer toughness of these young women is amazing. Quite a few were out sick, but one of them who was hurt and unable to dress for practice actually came out and stood with the coaches in the rain. Opponents beware…..these girls are not afraid to get their hair wet……or apparently anything else. They were soaked.
In all honesty though, days like today are just part of it. We play in anything but lightening, and to be prepared for everything we practice in everything. We had a rainy day in the 50’s today, we have had the snow and sleet and 30’s already too. But I think we are all looking forward to it being so hot we cannot stand it…..it will get there by season’s end.
I have to confess however, I was happy to get to the end of practice. Though I was still wet, the lack of rain in my car and the heater were pretty wonderful.
Tomorrow I lead a Confirmation Class and it is going to be both inside and dry…..two things I believe I will really enjoy!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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