Walking the hard road……

I have started this blog two or three different times tonight, and have erased it completely every time. I have done this with intention too. My job is so very often filled with joy and wonder, yet at other times it is difficult. Everyone wants to be liked, and there is a great temptation to often do the thing that creates the least amount of waves in order to maintain peace or popularity. It however often is not the right thing to do.

Thus the reason behind this funk I am in tonight. I only wish it would go away. In all honesty it eats away at my spirit, and really takes me away from being totally present with my family, and that troubles me very much.
Many people carry things into their private lives that should be checked at the door, and I am no different. I really do just want the best for people, and truly my heart and my intentions are in the right place. Of course they say that road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I am rally invested in what I do and who I am, and I do it for the right reasons. But one of the downfalls of my vocation is that people often only believe it when you are doing what they want you to.
But sometimes convictions make one’s life a lonely place. (For the convict AND for priests set on the right road) I have been there before and I will be there again, but just because you have been there doesn’t mean that it needs to please you….it doesn’t me.
So no wit (other than the awesome convict joke) and no bunnies and flowers. Life is a journey, and sometimes the terrain we travel is rough. But I am faithful and up to the task. I may not like it, but I am moving ahead.
God be with me as I walk this road.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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