Shake, rattle, and roll…..

Today Ben and Amanda went with me up to Christ the King in Kokomo for services. It is sort of a rarity for us, but one that we welcomed. And Amanda and I spent the majority of the service signaling each other as to what to do about Ben who was as we say “chatty” through the entire service.

Of course Steph and Scott do not have such problems. They behave, but more than that, they have been trained that if eye contact is made with me and it is not pleasant eye contact, they need to change course and quickly. I hate the stereotype of misbehaving clergy kids and we do our best to not fall into that. Of course we didn’t do too good of job of that today.
Ben is of course Ben, and as the youngest, he reaps the benefits of the other two figuring us out. The other two are no help either, choosing to laugh it up at our struggle. Dear Lord, it is almost as if they are GRANDPARENTS, but they are really siblings. It is truly a conspiracy of the deepest level.
But the good news is that we survived…..and o the way home we hit the Dairy Queen. Ben is a big fan of the chocolate shake, and although he was a pest in church, he was pretty great beyond that. Training him is going to take patience and some sort of MAJOR miracle, but we are “all in.” It has been trying, but the shake made it worthwhile. I am just glad to survive the day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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