Meet us in St. Louie Louie……

Although I could never fall into this naturally, Scotty has been accepted and visited St. Louis Christian College in Florissant, Missouri today…..just 10 minutes away from where Stephanie goes to college. As a matter of fact, Steph and two of her friends joined us last night for a carbfest at the IHOP too. It was a blast, and a real blessing to me.

And Scott absolutely loved the school too. He is heading toward working in ministry, and although he is clearly an amazing musical talent, he and I have discussed the possibility of working in the Anglican Mission “with me.” (I would never say “for me” because nothing can sour an offspring’s attitude like the potential for being under a parent’s supervision for years.) So to make it more like Harvey Korman’s “I am working for Mel Brooks,” I hope one day to hear Scotty say “I am working for Doc Loomis.” We shall see.
But the good news is that I am home and can prep for Ash Wednesday in the morning. I am doing a 7pm service in Westfield and that will be after an instructional lacrosse practice at the library with my team.

I missed the pancakes today for Shrove Tuesday as we were traveling, but my last big meal was at the Sonic in Florissant. I hope to end Lent a far different soul than I start…..but there is some intention to do so.
So I will finish the night and head to bed. It has been a marvelous few days. I am not sure where Scotty will head, but I am thinking it may be St. Louis. A lacrosse scholarship may change it all, and I am certain he wil be offered one. But until then I will just imagine heading just one direction to see the kids. No, life never really works that way for me, but then again, I can dream.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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