“Lent me entertain you…..”

Although I posted earlier in the day for Ash Wednesday, I thought I would post again tonight. I am home now, the day is almost done, and if I can last just about 30 minutes more, Ben’s new Transformer sheets and comforter may be dry and it may lure him to his own bed. But at this point, I do not think I really care where he wants to sleep. I am totally beat.

But we are now in the season of Lent, and I am picking exercise and diet as two of my disciplines as I go through it. The exercise I am not looking to be a real problem. The weather is getting warmer and the dog and I will be out and about everyday beginning tomorrow. (Today I was swamped.) But the diet will be much more of a challenge. Habits, bad or good, are hard to change, and the medicine I am on does NOT help. But in truth, if I go off them my life would be miserable, because post-stroke I need them. AND on the other hand, if I cannot get myself back in shape I will also be miserable, because I will either be way too heavy and out of shape or dead. To be honest, I want to keep at this so I can be a burden to my wife and kids.
So this is to say it starts. I already feel the struggle, but with God’s help I can get there. For crying out loud I will be turning 50 in June and I am raising two teenagers and a 3 year old. I am no weenie! Say a prayer for me and encourage me to get to it. 50 is going to be just my halfway point. Let’s see if I can live the next 50 hearing the words, “he’s that skinny old priest over there in the Cubs jersey.”
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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