The last church you will ever need….

I have been up to Christ the King Kokomo twice this week, but each time I drive there from my house I pass two churches with very interesting names. The first is “The General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn,” which has a hand painted sign that screams IMPERATIVE! And it is located between Aroma and Omega, Indiana.

Of course the cool one is the “Omega Christian Church.” I really must confess however, that although I took this picture of their sign I have no idea what the church looks like at all. I just liked the sign, and not for its pizazz, but for its unintended meaning.
But my drives through the country really amaze me. There are churches all over the countryside and they are really in the middle of nowhere. They are often beautiful buildings too. It just amazes me that they are still around, and in truth, I am happy they are.
But if you have a choice, my preference of course is that you attend one of our churches. Nothing against the GACFB (not to be confused with the sound my cat often makes), or OCC (they also make pretty sweet choppers, the bikes, not teeth) but I like what we are about better.
So if you are ever traveling across Indiana and are looking for a church, come see us instead. We don’t use snakes in the service, although I am sure some of the wives may say we have a few there. But that’s a marriage counseling issue. As for me, I am just a priest and a traveling church photographer.
Goodnight and God Bless!

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