Oh my world……

Originally today was the day when Scotty and I were scheduled to head to St. Louis for his college visit, but lacrosse (the sport that consumes only 137% of our family’s time) happened to interfere. Scotty had a game (scrimmage) today at 1pm.

Fortunately, we were on the college visit on Tuesday, making today a typical Saturday in lacrosse season….a day to wrestle Ben in the stands. Fortunately for me, I do not have to be a spectator at many games as I am more than not coaching my own team somewhere else. But today we had no women’s games, so I was blessed (as I am supposed to call it) to be able to watch Scott…..and not so blessed to be able to wrestle Ben.
Sure, being in the tent that Ben made (with the blanket my wife HAD to bring) and playing Transformers was fun. It was very manly. But in the end, I was able to see the lion’s share of Scott’s game, and got “tent-credit” as well. It was a pretty good time.
But the world of work has been beckoning me home, and that’s what I am doing tonight. Tomorrow is the First Sunday in Lent, and I am WAY BEHIND.
But thus is the life I live. I am tired though, and hope I am able to live into just one more day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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