First Communion….

Today was a BIG day, but a long one too. It is technically about an hour into tomorrow as I am typing this, but that’s just the way some days go.

But the big news is that Ben and his life-long friend Bella made their First Communion today. It was a real blessing to see them both together and so excited. And there was no pressure on either of them, considering that EVERYONE was watching them too! Ben was a little less aware of all the eyes than Bella, but the god part was that we got them both through it all. Way to go guys!
Then, late in the afternoon I got a call from my uncle telling me that my grandma had been hospitalized in Goshen where she lives. She is in her mid-90’s and needless to say it worried me something fierce. I took a shower and quickly drove up for a visit. My grandma is great, and we had a nice chat. She looked good, and hopes to be out within the next few days. Sadly, it looks as if she will be giving up her apartment at the retirement center and moving into their assisted living building. I’d be happy to move there too, but I am currently five years, three months, and 5 days too young….but who’s counting?
So it has been eventful to say the least. I am typing in bed next to Ben who is in here because he is running a low grade fever. I am betting it’s going to be another trip to Dr. Kelly to look at his ears.
After all, it couldn’t be the Communion…….
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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