
With both hope and determination, I hope to complete the repairs on my office closet and move everything back into it tomorrow. Of course they say that the road to procrastination is paved with hope and determination, so we will see. At least it’s a goal.

The problem is being so busy. Over the past few weeks I have been more frenzied than a squirrel breaking into a Planter’s factory. And since my “projects” are not priority number one, they are done in between other things, yet when something as important as this office closet is not finished, it slows down my ability to do other work. It’s like how a little bit of sugar can ruin a whole glass of iced tea…..yep, I am from the north, deal with it!
But the good news of being too busy is that is distracts me from things I need distracting from, such as the fact that I am still dieting or that I am entering my 50th season as a Cubs fan. Things I suppose could be worse, yet I am hard pressed to think of any examples…..oh wait, I could be my wife. That poor soul.
But the big blessing tomorrow is that I will end the day with actually being able to be AT Scotty’s season opener at Park Tudor. I cannot tell you how excited that makes me. As the coach of the women’s high school team, I am generally coaching my own game somewhere. It just happens that I am off tomorrow night! Yee ha!
So it is off to bed for me. I am hopeful and determined to have a relaxing and wonderful night of peaceful dreams, but I imagine I will dream of some construction project instead. There is no escaping all the busy work…even when I am unconscious!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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