A WHOMPIN start…….

Not that I have not mentioned this before, but as the Women’s Head Lacrosse Coach for the high school, I am usually busy and not able to see any men’s games, but it is early in the season (the first game) and tonight I was able to see a special one.

Why was it special? Well, first of all it was my son Scotty’s first game as the starting varsity goalie. He stepped into playing goal, sort of as a joke with the Assistant Coach last year. The JV goalie was hurt and wanted to move to another position, and Scott mouthed off that he was a baseball catcher for many years and could step in for the practice…..he has never stepped out. He played the full year as the JV goalie and the heir of the position on Varsity this year.
So tonight was beginning of his season on Varsity as the goalie…..but it was more than that. I have coached my team for four years, this is my fifth….the first was as the Assistant, the last three as the Head Coach. The Assistant on the men’s team has been Coach Andy McIntyre, or Coach Mac (to me Mac). And he was the coach who goaded Scott into the goal. Tonight was his first game at the helm as Head Coach…..so it was the start of an era for sure.
And what a start it was. Park Tudor is no opossum. And Mac and the boys handled them soundly, beating them 13-5. Scotty was a rockstar, but as I tell the girls, it’s a TEAM SPORT. And tonight Andy’s team showed amazing poise, discipline, and execution. I made sure I stuck around to shake his hand after that first big win.
Both of us have high pressure positions….it takes a lot to be a high school coach. But he is a good one. As a coach myself, I try to just watch, but we all get too involved. I however understand the pressures of the job. This was his showcase of what is to come…..it was an awesome start.
Andy (Mac) has actually coached, not for me, but in place of me one time. When I had my stroke, he and another Assistant Coach, Michael Treinen came over to take my first game. It showed a lot of character, and so did taking the team from the first NHS Head Coach and moving it forward. Great win Mac and congrats! The best I am sure is yet to come.
I would have taken a picture of Scott in goal if my cell phone camera could get close enough, so I had to settle for a picture of my dad, Amanda, and Ben in the stands. Scott’s girlfriend was with us, but seemed to always switch sides to the goal he was defending…..he best pay attention too….
Why? She is my starting center!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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