Of things Irish…….

My hometown is a place called Mishawaka, Indiana. Not too many people have heard of it, not because it isn’t the coolest place in the world, but because the most famous person to ever come from there was Robbie Madacowski, the inventor of dental appliances for dairy cows.

But right next to Mishawka is its much more famous twin city, South Bend, Indiana…..home of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. I am actually from where I am from because my dad came from Brooklyn, New York (before it went gangsta…ridiculous) to Notre Dame to go to college. (Yep, I am the first generation born outside of Brooklyn….which probably explains a lot). BUT my point is that today when I was growing up was a MAJOR HOLIDAY….much like Dyngus Day!
And yes, although most of us were not from anything even near to Irish ancestry, EVERYONE who lived there was Irish. Or at least that’s what we were told. You just didn’t see too much other than Notre Dame anywhere. And although people from Indiana are often called Hoosiers, to us a Hoosier was someone who went to Indiana University. We bled green beer.
But in my infinite wisdom, when it came time to go to college, I decided to leave home and not go there. In retrospect it was a mistake. I didn’t even apply…..and that was back in the day when I probably could have gotten in. (my pre-end my sentences in preposition days). So now I am Irish, but only by my geographical heritage and sports loyalty.
But today I am thinking of things Irish, but today it is of my longtime close friend Kelly Irish, who I went to seminary with back in the Dark Ages. He lives in Ohio (an Ohio State fan, though he is technically an Akron ZIP – a side note, U of A’s motto “It’s never sunny here” was changed in 1996 to attract students who were not depressed…but I digress) Kelly is in a pastors’ group in his community that decided to go to Africa together and do ministry for 10 days. And this morning I spoke to him as he was at Dulles Airport (motto – “we make your delays seem much longer”) awaiting his 13 hour flight on Ethiopia Airlines.
He actually was pretty amazed that he was going, and frankly so was I. But tonight as I reflect upon all the things one could do on St. Patrick’s Day, heading off to help other people is something I believe Patrick himself would endorse.
So keep Kelly in your prayers as well as the pastoral team and the people they will be working with. It is a BIG step of faith and I admire him for it. He will be a blessing there, as he has been to me. And tonight I am thankful for his example of faithfulness in my life.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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