Treading, treading, and more treading……with a porpoise

I have gone all day today, and it feels as if the whole day has been just treading water. Not that it has been a bad thing, because the water today has not be at all treacherous, whereas at other times it can be filled with sharks.

But it took me back to training as a life guard as a teenager. No I never finished the training, as my ears make it impossible to do the swim under the victim and rescue from behind technique… not because my ears are that big, but because my eardrums are very weak and prone to blow a hole with very little pressure. The move was excruciating to perform and it took me days to heal. But I decided that if as a life guard I would have to ponder if I liked the person needing help well enough to endure the pain of rescue, that I probably shouldn’t do it. I still cannot dive underwater without risking things, but would if I needed to…..but once again, I digress.
But what I remembered was how when we tread water it is important to pace oneself, and conserve energy, because you never know how long it will last. And today has been a day where that concept has been important. My office is still not quite done, although things are making their way into the repaired closet. But I decided to stain my desk and file cabinet which has now made treading more of a necessity.
But the good news is that I will be hopefully done with it tomorrow evening, lest something else comes up.
If it does, let’s just pray it isn’t a shark.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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