Dreaming of no construction…….

It doesn’t hardly seem possible, but barring any disaster, I might just be able to have my office finished tomorrow. Of course I am anticipating disaster because this project has had more delays and budget overruns that a government contract…..but I can dream.

And speaking of dreaming, just why is it that I am dreaming about work every night? I like to be productive, but not nearly THAT productive. And when you dream like that you go to bed tired, only to work all night in your dreams, and then wake up tired too….only to really work. It’s like a crazy carnival ride I cannot get off.
But in all honesty it could be worse. Lot’s of people have scary dreams, and those for me are few and far in between. Of course I am hoping to wake up soon and find ALL THIS a dream, so my office never really did need that work and I can just move on with no construction……but stuff like that never happens to me. I am pretty sure I am still going to be at it in between all the stuff I need to do in the morning.
It’s just too bad I know how to do all those things……if I didn’t I could just be watching a contractor.
Off to bed!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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