I just can’t win……

Ben and I had a conversation today. I am going to get my haircut either before practice tomorrow or on Friday, but I asked Ben if he wanted to get his cut with me. On no, it would not be his first haircut. He had that done at Cookie Cutters, where he sat in a race car and was treated like a king…..but his hair looked like it was done with a weed whacker and poorly.

But three year olds really do not care how they look, and that was clear by his insistence on heading to Cookie Cutters again. I suppose that a guy who gets haircuts a little shorter than a Marine’s high and tight, probably cannot comment on hairstyles, but it really, at least mine looks awesome!
But I know when I am defeated. He will not go with me and I know it, and when I told Amanda about it tonight, off she went to cut his hair herself….the product you see in the picture. Chuck and Tony, my barbers, are clearly (at least) third. I will break it to them AFTER my haircut tomorrow. At least Scotty still goes there.
Off to bed…shaggy head and all.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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