It starts……..

Today was the first games of our season, and we won a Varsity and JV game from Concord High School and then lost to a team from Chicago by one goal with just six seconds left on a VERY questionable call. And though this upset our team deeply, in sports things like that invoke demons that become hard to shake. Refs are part of the game, and just like us, sometimes they get it right and sometimes they get it wrong. You always need to correct what you can and look to the next play……that’s what we will do on Monday.

From the games, since they were in the northern part of the state, I travelled to the rehabilitation center my grandma is now in. She was in the hospital last week, and gave us all a scare. She looked great today though and we had a great visit too. She is probably giving up her apartment at the retirement center and moving into assisted living sometime after rehab. But she is as sharp as they come…..she will be 95 next month. And her big line is always that getting old isn’t all that bad, what is bad is having to tell people your oldest grandchild is as old as he is…….after all, I will be 32 in June!
But one delusion I do not have is how well my Butler Bulldogs are doing in the NCAA tourney. We are now in the Final Four for the SECOND STRAIGHT YEAR (Capitalized by State Law in Indiana) and it has been awesome! Of course I was traveling today and had to listen on the radio, but it was worth it. Actually every part of my day was worth it, and I am truly blessed.
And tomorrow the Bishop will be with us at two of our Churches, and I have to pick him up quite early to be there… I will not bore you with the more thrilling details of tonight. But I will say I am already thinking of my bed.
No, not for tonight, but for tomorrow as early as I can find it. Yep indeed…..I am making a preemptive plan!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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