Hot Tub Pool…….

Sure it is dark, but tonight (my to Stephanie’s chagrin…she wanted to use it when she was home but it was not ready) the boys took the first dip in what Ben identifies as the “hot tub pool.” No, it’s not the hot tub. Nor is it the spa or hot pool. This, like most things in our home, have a “Ben definition,” and this is the Hot Tub Pool.

And although Scotty was tired and really not too enthused about heading out there, he is the model big brother and went out and wrestled around with Ben. They are a hoot together, and tonight was no exception. And I am certain this is only the first of many “dips” in the pool (no that was not a statement of judgement on my children, I’m just using authentic 1970’s lingo to make an observation of what the boys were doing).
But it was fun for them, and fun to watch. Ben’s focus has been on that for days and it was a real blessing to finally get there. Scotty’s departure looms in times like these and I wonder just how Ben will be, because they are very close. But the one sure thing about life is that there will be changes. I am just thankful for the great times in between them…..tonight, of course, being a great example.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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