
Although Ben calls her Cindy, she is really more like her second mom. And oddly enough when I mention her it is almost always as the “sitter.” But Cindy is really family to us, and also above me on the list of people Ben would rather hang with. I used to believe I was in the top five…..but in all honesty, I am probably a lot further down the list.

But kids are shaped by the people around them, and Cindy is a big influence on his life…..and we are so thankful for her. Of course my experience in all this is limited. In all honesty, I am normally just transportation. But Amanda and Cindy are always texting and talking…..and giggling. They share a deep love for the boy and his presence in both their lives seems to make their bond pretty strong. And I am glad they are friends too…..anything to distract Amanda from my faults is a real blessing.
But I thought tonight I might just post this note about Cindy. I am blessed that she is Ben’s second mom! Tonight’s picture is of she and Ben together!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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