Traffic, kids, and the Rockstar…..

Ben clearly hates getting his picture taken, but tonight I do not care. I have had a long and miserable day and needed a picture……and he was going to comply.

The picture was taken at Scotty’s lacrosse game in Nashville……yes, Tennessee this time (normally Nashville, Indiana). But it took forever to get there and traffic was a NIGHTMARE. But being able to see Scotty play like a rockstar was what made it all worthwhile. He had a great game and it was so wonderful to see it. And in the JV game, because they were short-handed, Scotty got in as an offensive player (he is the Varsity goalie) and he SCORED. He is going to be able to live with from now on.
But the blessing was being able to be there to see him in goal. It really kills me to miss my kids games, and as the high school women’s coach I have missed a lot of Scott’s. As for Steph, I have never seen her in a college game…..and I regret all of it. It is cool to get to see them both play.
But for now I will just enjoy what I can and force the youngster into pictures when I catch him. I am not as young as I used to be, but my kids are important to me. And as long as I can I will be there to support them!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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