Way to go Butler!

First of all, congratulations to the UConn Huskies!

But beyond that, I want to let you all know that I am a 1984 graduate of Butler University. I didn’t pick Butler because I wanted to, but it was instead the last stop for a young man who couldn’t get his life together. I had flunked out of my first college (Manchester College) and then my second (Indiana University at South Bend) before I arrived there. I really didn’t know what was in store….I only knew my dad was an administrator there and I could go there without paying for tuition, just room and board. So that’s why I went.

My experience there was exceptional. The faculty was amazing, and many of the people I met are still friends to this day. At that point, the basketball team sucked, but that really didn’t matter. All I kept hearing was how important “the Butler Family” was.
After I graduated and moved away, I missed Butler. I realized what they professed was true. After grad school, because I did graduate in 1984 with a BA in Religion, I found myself involved in forming an alumni chapter in NE Ohio. After moving back to Indiana, I served on the Alumni Board. I have recruited for Butler the entire time.
My point is this…..tonight we didn’t lose the National Championship, but we instead showed the character and determination I learned as a student in need of direction in the early 1980’s. I know Butler to be not just a part of who I am, but a place that formed me more than I could ever confess.
This year was a mediocre year in terms of the basketball season, yet in the tourney we excelled! For us in the Butler family though, it really doesn’t matter. Win or lose, we will be there cheering our team on. And although everyone and their brother is wearing a Butler sweatshirt now like d I do, I will wear mine even if we do not win a game. Family is family, and I am proud to be a Bulldog…win or lose!
Way to go boys! We made it to the finals TWO years in a row, and it was something I never imagined I would see in my lifetime. But next year awaits. I, like all other true Bulldogs, will be rooting us on!
Thanks for a great season Butler….and more than that, thanks for lifting me up and giving me a great foundation for my own life!
Go Bulldogs! You have made me proud!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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