The lawnboy…….

I had a parishioner of mine stop by the house today to take a look at my lawn. Maintaining a lawn is really not all that hard when your yard is small (and rectangular), but this new one is not. So the bottom line is that I was in need of some advice.

The good news is that Mike is, and has been, in “the business” for years. I will need to aerate, I will need to thatch, I will need to re-seed, and, I will need to fertilize as well. My former yard I maintained extremely well, and I am excited about the prospect. But my former yard also took a few years to get it right where I wanted it. Thank God I have nothing to do other than to worry about my lawn! Yea right….it is going to be a challenge.
But the good news is that the starter’s pistol has fired and I am off to the races. It is not a sprint, but it is instead a marathon. I am already enjoying it too. Thank God I have the opportunity to do so!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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