Making a spectator of myself…….

Okay, it is not the best picture, but had I not traded my (better) phone to Steph it would have been better. But the picture is a significant moment for me. The field is Lindenwood’s Hunter Field (their main stadium field) and Steph is out there just after taking the draw. And, it is the first time I have ever watched Steph play as a college player.

Her team was playing Brigham Young tonight too, and I believe they are either 8th or 10th in the nation in their division. Lindenwood is currently 6th. And their uniforms, including the coaching shirts, were pink tonight, no doubt as a breast cancer awareness statement.
Lindenwood won too…..with just a few seconds left in a real nail-biter. I was just glad to see them win. As a coach I can say that a win is a win is a win…..and in the end, that is what counts.
So the big night is under our belts, and I am exhausted. I am just blessed to have been there. I am proud of Steph, and it is pretty cool to see her playing at this level. I am glad to have the opportunity too!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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