Yep……we’re related!

Today we watched as Lindenwood knocked off the University of Michigan, and Steph played most of the game. It is hard just watching, and it was doubly hard in that it was perhaps the worst refereed contest I had ever seen in my entire coaching career. Fortunately, it all worked out for the Lions.

But it is so very odd to be on a different side of this. I hardly know what to do up in the stands, and I spend most of the games up high looking down on the field for plays and things I might bring home. Of course my eyes are always on number 13. Steph was an All-State player for two of the three years I coached her, and MVP all three as well. Here it is a different level. They all have to play up, and it is pretty cool to see how she has improved.
One high school coach once told me that he actually dedicated an entire practice to figuring out a way to contain Steph when they played us. She was dominate in high school for sure. Here she is one of many, and playing for a nationally ranked team. She is just a freshman too….on her way to becoming much more that she has been or is even now. It is so very cool!
So today you just get to hear the rantings of a proud father, who knows the game and who has enjoyed his time watching. I would have never imagined any of it…….but I am truly blessed by the opportunity.
I love you my daughter, and I am very proud of her too!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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