All good things must come to an end…..

Yep, we finally left Stephanie and Missouri behind today and I am typing this from my office at home in Indiana. It is so hard to say goodbye, and each time it doesn’t seem easier, but harder. Steph has a great life in Missouri and WONDERFUL friends. That is good too, since her friends in high school were wonderful too. But I just do not like having to miss her so much.

Her brothers were with us on this trip as well as Scotty’s girlfriend who Scotty picked up at the St. Louis airport. We all ate out a lot and almost always in larger groups. I am a firm believer in helping the poor college students out in getting some good food. I am sure none were as bad as me (I sold my plasma (blood) to buy macaroni and cheese (or beer)) But we enjoyed their company as well as Steph’s. It was so much fun.
We also say Lindenwood take all four games over the weekend and finish (pre-tournament) at #5 nationally. Steph started two of the four games and played in them all. It is quite an accomplishment for a freshman, and she will be off in a few weeks for Arizona to play in the Nationals. It is an exciting time.
Sadly, I cannot be there. My team will be playing then as well, and I will be on the field with them. I am certain Steph understands. And my thoughts and prayers will be with all of them there.
But soon it will all be over and she will be home for the summer. And I know we cannot wait….especially Ben. He loves his big sister and all the “college girls.” I am certain many of them will be passing through to see him (and hopefully us) this summer!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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