
Yep, I would say she missed us. When the cat climbs into Scotty’s un-unpacked suitcase, it is a clear sign she intends to not let us leave again. And of course the dog’s return this morning was like a scene from a movie. I would love to think it is me that they miss, but quite honestly I do not think I am on the radar. Maybe in time I will work myself back up in the rankings…..you can’t always have a great year.

But despite my personal rankings, I find myself WAY BEHIND. I returned calls most of the day, and am only about half way through them. I hope to catch up with that tomorrow, but that may be optimistic. Our (the women’s lacrosse team) home opener is on Thursday, and practice today showed me again just how far vacation can back things up. These next few days will be pretty busy.
Oh but I can take it. I guess I have gotten quite accustomed to working amidst the high seas. It’s not a great analogy for a guy like me who doesn’t really care for the ocean, but I think you get the picture. I have been blessed (or cursed) with the ability to deal with a lot of pressure. It’s not that I care to be here, it’s just that I can.
But I need to get ahead of it all this week for sure. I understand my request to move Holy Week back a few months was denied…….and Palm Sunday is just 6 short days away.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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