Tree-ed off……

No, not really, but I am still behind. I do hope however to catch up by week’s end. What that means however, I do not know. As clergy, I am never quite sure how to define the week. Biblically, the week’s end is Sunday….a day of “rest,”…….right!

Anyway we were able to get home tonight and get a start on the lawn and such. Without any snags I should have it mowed, fertilized, and seeded….that’s right, buy week’s end. (As big as it is that could mean next February.)
But part of the fun was not only letting Ben drive the tractor a bit, but we also put him up in a tree. I am sorry the picture is so lousy, but I sent Stephanie my cell phone. It was probably the Cadillac of technology, but I was clearly a Pinto guy. I knew how to text, call, and take pictures. If I did anything else, like appointments, I would screw up my calendar and address book. So I am back to using an old Blackberry (perhaps the same model Jesus used….it is OLD) but at least I am not screwing up anything but pictures.
Anyway, it finally got too dark to work….thank God! Off to bed only to wake up and do it again tomorrow!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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