I’m learning…….

Sometimes talking with Ben is like trying to reason with a three-year-old, but since he is three I guess I should not be surprised. I just often wish he understood more than he does.

He and I have currently been going around about the movie “Megamind” that we got from Netflix, and that he has watched approximately 7000 times. I want and need to send it back, but Ben seems to struggle with the whole Netflix concept……and not that I really do, but I do know that if I wanted to “rent” a movie for that amount of time that is would be cheaper to hire the actors themselves. Of course “Megamind” stars Will Ferrel, who I used to like….but after he started injecting himself hostilely into politics, I don’t watch a thing he does. (Yes, it is true, I have not even watched “Megamind.”)
But the bottom line is that the movie has gone back and something else should be here tomorrow. Not that I have any time to watch anything, but perhaps someone will.
In the meantime I have been watching a few minutes of the “Power Rangers” with him. And oh yes, he is contrary. The star, the RED Power Ranger, the coolest one, is named Tommy. But Ben says “no.” And when I ask what his name is he says……..Benji.
I am not going to argue……after all, he is three.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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